What's new? July 2023.

Get ready for an exciting upgrade!

Starting on July 13th, we're excited to introduce a range of new features to enhance your

Retirement Planning experience.

New features:

Retirement Income and Legacy Projector

You can now help already retired clients strategically plan for drawing down their retirement savings in a new and illustrative way. This new feature makes it a breeze to help your retired clients understand how much they can comfortably spend in their hard-earned retirements.

On the Goal Projector screen for Retirement Planning, click the Already in Retirement button to get started. You will then input the client's:

      • Retirement drawdown goal
      • Investment amount
      • Pension in retirement
      • Other income in retirement
      • Legacy goal - money left for children or charities
Say hello to smarter retirement planning! Our new Retirement Income and Legacy Projector feature illustrates how clients might achieve their financial goals and stay comfortable with the level of investment risk.

We then run 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations with the client's inputs to reveal how much money the client is expected to have over the coming decades across each of your firm's model portfolios and the timeline for when the client's wealth will likely fall below their desired legacy goal.

This way you can assuage any anxiety your clients may have about outliving their retirement savings by helping them set and stick to an annual drawdown plan.

From here you and clients can have a robust conversation about which portfolio makes the most sense for their retirement, given their risk preferences, goals, and constraints, and then choose the most suitable portfolio for them.

Retirement Income and Legacy Projector info is now also included in the post-meeting PDF report.

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