Understanding the Goal Projector Screens

Helping clients determine if their long-term financial goals are feasible is an essential part of the advice process. This is where the Goal Projector Screens in the results section of the client journey comes into play.

Click the View Goal Projector button on the bottom-right-hand corner of the page to get started.

Goal Projector - Select Retirement Income or Wealth Accumulation

From here, you can select if the client is investing for Retirement Income or Wealth Accumulation.

Within each of the Goal Projector screens, you will input information about the client's desired annual retirement income or wealth accumulation goal, along with the client's annual investment contribution, time horizon, and for the retirement goal, pension and income from other sources during retirement.

Retirement income projector
Wealth accumulation goal projector

These above forecasts are then generated, which show how achievable the goal is across each of the portfolio options. For more on how we calculate goal achievability, check out this article.

In the above example, we see that the client’s desired retirement income and wealth accumulation goals are achievable if they choose the Growth portfolio, even though they are most comfortable in the Balanced portfolio.

This is where you and the client will discuss if they are willing to take more risk than they are comfortable with to achieve their desired retirement income goal, or if they would prefer to stick with the Balanced portfolio and adjust the other inputs to accommodate.

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