What's new? August 2024

Imagine having a crystal-clear view of all your clients' risk comfort level - what could that mean for your practice?

Coming August 29th we're excited to announce new features to out Risk Profiling Suite, helping you turn complex client data into actionable insights.

Here's whats new:

1) Client insights, at a glance

We've added a new Preference Insights tab that provides an overview of risk preferences across your full book of business. The visual graph shows where each client falls based on their Sensitivity to Loss and Attitude to Risk. You can filter for groups of clients and easily identify those with a low level of risk comfort. This feature gives you full visibility into which clients to contact first during times of market volatility, empowering you to proactively address any concerns they may have. It's an opportunity to reassess their risk tolerance and strengthen trust.

2) Flexibility to mark clients' results as Reviewed

We understand that not all clients require a full walkthrough of their results each time they complete the activity. That’s why we’ve added a new feature allowing you to mark clients as Reviewed directly from the client page without going through the Investment Meeting flow. This gives you more flexibility to progress the status of clients when you need. 

3) Assign households in the import spreadsheet

Importing households just got easier! The import clients spreadsheet now includes a column for households. When uploading clients, simply add the individuals as usual and link them by assigning the same household name in the new column. Start using this feature to easily manage household information all in one place.

We hope these updates enhance your customer interactions and help you to deliver personalised advice. We'd be happy to know what you think and what additional features you'd find valuable!

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