What's new? March 2024.

On Friday March 1st, we are making some updates to the advisor portal. The Risk Profiling Suite will be down between 6am – 7am AEDT on March 1st while our team releases these updates.

For our first release in 2024, we focused on enhancing the investment results presentation to help you have purposeful and compelling conversations with your clients. Please reference the video walkthrough below, plus subsequent details, to help familiarise yourself with this coming update.

Watch our walkthrough video for an in-depth exploration.

If you have any questions about the release, please reach out to Claire.

We look forward to bringing you more improvements in future. It’s going to be an exciting 2024!

New features:

Introducing the Comfort Zone

We are introducing the Comfort Zone as part of the investment meeting to help illustrate for your clients which investments are most suitable for them. We hope this broadens the conversation, so instead of focusing in on which investment option has the highest risk comfort score, you can help your client understand how their risk comfort differs across the investible options.

The Comfort Zone covers all portfolios with a Risk comfort score of 60% or above. 60% was chosen as the threshold based on statistical testing, where we mapped thousands of clients to all portfolio sets we have in the system, while also considering the underlying risk preference utility models. You can expect that:

  • If you have four investment options, then usually a client will have two in their comfort Zone.
  • If you have five investment options, then usually a client will have two or three in their comfort Zone.
  • If you have six investment options, then usually a client will have three in their comfort Zone.

60% should not be taken as a hard cut-off (i.e. a client does not become suddenly uncomfortable if they have a portfolio with a Comfort score of 59% rather than 60%). It is, of course, up to your best judgement which investment options are suitable or unsuitable for each of your clients.

Visualise the portfolios within a client's Comfort zone

Portfolios within a client's Comfort Zone are highlighted
Portfolios within a client's Comfort Zone are highlighted

Closing out the investment meeting

To close out the investment meeting, we ask the client to select the level of investment risk they want taken forward into the next stage of the planning process. Going forward, we have labelled this the Selected investment and in the post meeting PDF we highlight that “We’ll consider a Balanced risk level in our planning process” (where Balanced is the selected investment option in this case).

We have also removed the top part in the finish modal “Please select the reason(s) for selecting the Balanced investment option." We know the investment recommendation may change when the full financial plan is reviewed, so we don’t want the client to feel they are “locking in” a risk level now that may be changed later. Instead, we simply say:

  • For new clients: “Congratulations on taking an important step in your financial journey. Thanks for the opportunity to get to know you better.”
  • For existing clients: “It was great to check-in and get an updated view of your comfort with investment risk.”

Other updates

You will notice there are a number of other text and UI changes to the investment results meeting, where our aim was to simplify some of the text, provide some more context where needed, and refine the look of the meeting.

Sensitivity to loss groups have been relabelled as “Composed” (low sensitivity), “Somewhat unsettled” (medium sensitivity), “Unsettled” (high sensitivity), to help frame sensitivity to loss in terms of how clients may be feeling during periods of market volatility.

All the changes in the investment meeting are reflected in the PDF reports. We have also given the PDF reports a refresh, with a new cover page, updated summary page, and more content like the Risk Dimensions triangle.

Importing clients

We’re shifting the “Import clients” button to be next to the “Create new client” button on the client list page. This makes it simpler to choose how you want to bring new clients into the system. The sorting/filtering is now placed on the headers of the client list.

Please give us feedback!

We’d love your feedback on our latest changes, or anything else to do with the Risk Profiling Suite. Please email feedback to claire.vanderveldt@capitalpreferences.com. We want to continue to improve the suite to ensure it’s meeting your needs, and best supporting your work with yourclients.

We’re also looking at how we can bring our Sustainability/Values based investing client activity to the Suite. If you have an interest in this area, we’d love to chat. Please email nick.smith@capitalpreferences.com for any inquiries.