What's new? December 2023

On December 13, we're releasing a number of improvements to enhance your Risk Profiling experience.

Updated Terms and Conditions

The next time you log-in, you will be asked to agree to the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

We have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to enhance transparency, clarify user rights and responsibilities, and ensure compliance with evolving Australian legal standards.

If you have any questions, please email us at customer-support@capitalpreferences.com.

Rephrasing of Post-Meeting PDF Summary Page

In the post-meeting PDF report, we have rephrased the text on the summary page to read, “You selected a Balanced investment," rather than the previous phrasing of, "You decided to invest in our Balanced investment."

This language has been softened, as oftentimes this is an initial portfolio selection which precedes a more detailed financial planning and investment process.

New Client Page Sidebar Orientation

When you click into client page, you will notice that the sidebar that was on the right-side has now been shifted to the left. This has been done to set us up for future enhancements to the suite.

Any questions?

Please feel free to reach out to us at customer-support@capitalpreferences.com