How to Combine Individual Clients into a Household

Combining Individual Clients into a Household:

To combine two individual clients into a household, you must first click into one of the client's profile page.

Next, click the Create household button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

A popup will appear, where you will begin typing the name of the second client you would like to combine with.

Confirm your selection by clicking Create. You will then be taken to the new household's profile page, where you will see all information about each individual client.

If both individuals have already completed the risk activity prior to being combined into a household, you can click Present Results, you will be able to compare and contrast each household member's risk preferences and see which portfolio has the highest Household Risk Comfort score. Here, you can have a robust and insightful conversation about how to best accommodate each partner's preferences in the investment decision-making process.

Else, you can send each individual a new invitation to complete the risk activity separately by clicking Send invite or Re-profile.

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